Weather Messenger Service

  • This service is provided as-is, is not guaranteed for accuracy, and is not associated or endorsed by SPOT/Globalstar. Use at your own risk.
  • While this service is provided for free, SPOT may charge a fee for messages sent to and from this service to your device depending on the service plan you have with SPOT. Please refer to SPOT's website for more information. You are solely liable for any charges you may incur as a result of using this service.

Need the weather forecast while you're out backpacking? As long as you've got a SPOT satellite messenger, you're in luck.

Add one of the following email addresses to your SPOT messenger's contacts (how-to), send it any message with location enabled, and you'll get a three-day weather forecast in return.

Weather forecasts are condensed as messages on the SPOT network must be less than or equal to 140 characters in length. Units and short-hand column identifiers are only included in the first line of the reply. See the example forecast with a legend below for more details.

Example Forecast:

┌───────────────────────────────────── Temperature
│    ┌──────────────────────────────── Relative Humidity
│    │      ┌───────────────────────── Wind Speed
│    │      │       ┌───────────────── Wind Gust
│    │      │       │        ┌──────── Precipitation
└─── └───── └────── └─────── └──
65°F RH 60% WS 5mph WG 10mph 0in  ◄─── Current Conditions
01-01 70/60 5 10 0%               ◄─┐
01-02 65/55 5 10 0%               ◄─┤─ 3 day forecast
01-03 75/70 0 0 0%                ◄─┘
┌──── ┌──── ┌ ┌ ┌──
│     │     │ │ └───────────────────── Preciptation Probability
│     │     │ └─────────────────────── Wind Gust (max)
│     │     └───────────────────────── Wind Speed (max)
│     └─────────────────────────────── Temp Hi/Lo
└───────────────────────────────────── Date MM-DD